The onboarding process for our Basic plan:

Our Basic Plan offers a per-device, monthly payment structure with a one-year commitment, providing consistent and predictable IT support tailored to your needs. This plan is designed to simplify budgeting and ensure seamless IT management throughout the year.

Optimize your onboarding with our streamlined self-service process, designed to ensure a smooth and efficient setup for your business’s IT needs. Here’s how it works:

  1. Initial Contact and Setup: You will receive an email from us containing a downloadable installer. This installer needs to be run on each of your devices, including desktops, laptops, and servers. After verifying the installation, we will remotely deploy endpoint protection and monitoring software to safeguard your systems.
  2. Comprehensive Support Information: The same email will detail how you can contact us for support and outline our support charges and prioritization process. Please note that while basic support services like support tickets and onsite support are not included in this package, they are available at a reduced hourly rate.
  3. Network Assessment: Once the software is installed, we conduct an initial review of your network. You’ll receive a second email summarizing our findings and any recommendations we believe are crucial for optimizing your IT infrastructure.

By guiding you through each step, we ensure you have all the tools and information needed to manage your IT effectively. Our goal is to empower your business with robust IT solutions while providing clear and transparent support options.

If you prefer a more personalized touch, we would be more than happy to come on-site and conduct the onboarding process.

We offer on-site onboarding services at a competitive rate of $65 per device. Following the on-site setup, the rest of the process mirrors our efficient self-service onboarding.

The on-site onboarding service is limited to a sixty-mile radius of Lawton, OK.

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